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Urgent: Say NO to Healthcare Refom REPEAL Now #p2 #HCR

Tomorrow, House Republicans plan to follow through on their campaign threat from last year by voting to repeal health insurance reform.

Rather than focus on jobs and the economy, Republicans will make their first big vote an effort to put big health insurance companies back in charge and allow them to once again discriminate against folks with pre-existing conditions and deny coverage to those who need it the most.

We’ve been ready for this vote. The DCCC has a campaign all set to go that will hold them immediately accountable in the media for standing with insurance companies instead of hardworking Americans — but we need to raise $50,000 immediately to hit the ground running.

Help us hold House Republicans accountable for voting to repeal health insurance reform. Contribute $35, $50 or more in the next 24 hours so we can hit the ground running with our Rapid Response campaign.

Republicans think that public opinion is on their side — but we know otherwise.
That’s why it’s so critical to get our campaign off the ground immediately to make our strongest possible support for protecting President Obama’s health insurance reforms. Our Rapid Response campaign will shine a light on Republicans’ record of putting big health insurance company profits ahead of affordable health care for struggling families.

Help us hold House Republicans accountable for voting to repeal health insurance reform. Contribute $35, $50 or more in the next 24 hours so we can hit the ground running with our Rapid Response efforts.

Leader Pelosi has called this our “first big test” and I could not agree more.

Help us raise $50,00 in the next 24 hours to show Republicans how fast we can hold them accountable for trying to put big health insurance companies back in charge.

Robby Mook
DCCC Executive Director

P.S. The DCCC has a hard-hitting campaign all set to go that will hold Republicans accountable in the media for voting to repeal health insurance reform tomorrow. Help us raise $50,000 in the next 24 hours so we can hit the ground running right away.

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