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Tune In or Call “Liberal Politics Done Right” Saturday Noon to 4 PM CST

Tune in Saturdays between 12Noon and 4PM CST  to my talk show at to discuss current political and social issues.

This show differs in that you can interact with me and my guests real time. You may call into the show and be on live via Skype as well as by phone.

I will be interspacing some music in the talk. Be warned, my taste in music is vast and covers just about every genre.

I generally have several topics to discuss but will change the topic abruptly if the listeners lead the show in a different direction.

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This Week’s Topics:


Note that you do not need to be sitting behind your computer to get the show. Listen on your iPhone or on any Droid  phone or device. Click here for instructions on getting The Force 925 on your mobile device.

You can interact with the show as follows:


Podcasts To Previous Shows


My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom
Book’s Webpage:

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