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Lawrence O’Donnell Of The Last Word Gives Rush Limbaugh A Biblical Smack down For Misquotation Of The Bible

It is about time. Many on the Right revel in quoting the Bible to justify their ways. For years I have been advocating that Liberals use the bible against the Right for their provably non-biblical ways.

In fact back in 2004 I wrote a blog calling the Right the new Pharisees. I gave detailed reasons why the policies on the Right has nothing to do with what Jesus Christ stood for. Unfortunately because Liberals tend to run from anything religious in public however religious or spiritual they are, they have ceded the access to misinformation to the Republican constituency.

Lawrence O’Donnell finally broke the mold today. I was so proud I had to record it with my phone as I was not taping the program today and wanted to get it disseminated as soon as possible. He methodically annihilated the ignorant rant of Rush Limbaugh in no uncertain terms. He made Rush sound and look like what he is, a spoiled overpaid little boy.



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