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Middle Class Rising Up Against Paul Ryan’s Budget. They differ from the Tea Party in that they are not hoodlums. They know the material.

It is a pleasant surprise but a welcome surprise to see a knowledgeable but civil middle class finally rise up against the continued bad policy by the Republican congress people. The Republican politicians really believed they had a mandate to pilfer the middle class.

Problem is that they are completely reading Americans incorrectly. Unfortunately the real informed middle class did not vote in November. They were complacent and took the Tea Party for granted. They simple could not believe that some uniformed kooks could possibly change the balance of power.

Reality is that they did and it is the fault of the Progressives that we will have two years of virtual inaction till we takeover the government again. It is imperative that we build momentum now through 2012. We must keep the populace informed often, quickly, and effectively lest the charlatans that has become the Republican party will continue their destruction of the country.

My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom
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