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Faux Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Curses As He Unleashes The F-Bomb In Las Vegas (Video)

GOP Potential Republican Candidate Donald Trump in a speech in Las Vegas this week curses, using the F-Bomb. Now think about this, had this been Obama can you see the supposedly Liberal Media playing it 24/7.

I can already hear CNN questioning whether it is presidential to speak like that. I can see FoxNews breaking into regular programing with a FOXALERT to let us know that the president has demeaned the office of the presidency and should be impeached.

The fact that this charlatan has garnered the coverage he has garnered is shameful. He must be addressed head on however. Since the press is giving him free access to promote racism and angst among Americans, thinking people must correct and mitigate his poison toe for toe.

Shame on our media for having created this monster.


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