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Deborah Mowrey Of Kingwood Area Democrats Excellent Kingwood Observer Article “A Moral Test We Must Not Fail”

The following article was written by Deborah Mowrey, Kingwood Area Democrats’ Publicity Chairman. The article details how policy affects real people.

Unfortunately most Americans are generally influenced by easy to understand and snappy sounding slogans. The ultimate one, TEA Party for Tax Enough Already Party, is easy to understand but far from reality.

Tax and Spend sounds terrible but is actually responsible as to keep a budget balanced the population must be taxed fro what it wants spent.

I always found that while the Republicans did the most irresponsible thing which was Tax Cut and Spend, it always surprised me why Democrats never came up with a catchy phrase that illustrated the irresponsibility of Republican’s tenant.

Now we are in a soft economy and talking budget cuts as everyone jumps on this self defeating policy given that cutting now will cut jobs now and further cut the tax base that will necessitate more cuts. What are these guys smoking?

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