I found myself agreeing with Ron Paul’s stance on the Federal Reserve and Gary Johnson’s stance on drugs. Interesting enough their drug policy, gay policy, and to some extent abortion policy are liberal or moderate.
Herman Cain according to the FoxNews focus group won the debate which is understandable since he had the Tea Party talking points down pack. Santorum continues his rigid pompous stance on moral issues at the same time that the policies of his party are the most immoral of any party since the country’s inception.
If this is representative of Obama’s competition, we can expect another 4 year term for the President in a likely landslide.
My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom
Book’s Webpage: http://bit.ly/aB9Zkz – Twitter: http://twitter.com/egbertowillies
First Republican Presidential Debate Pulled Off Course But Pawlenty Emerges Relatively Unscathed
First Posted: 05/ 6/11 01:26 AM ET Updated: 05/ 6/11 08:41 AM ET
GREENVILLE, S.C. — It may have been the moment when former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson extended his riff about how his reality TV show would be different from Sarah Palin’s “crawling on her hands and knees up the ice floe in Alaska.”
Or perhaps it was when Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) explained why not everyone would use heroin if it were legalized.
Either way, the Libertarian-minded iconoclasts who bookended the stage here Thursday night at the first Republican presidential primary debate provided plenty of highlights and some substance, but also took the forum wildly off track at times.
The result: South Carolinians already a bit on edge about the lack of top-tier GOP names at their debate got a little hotter under the collar.
“I’m not going to comment on that,” Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) said when asked about Paul’s heroin comments. “Unbelievable that they even came out in this debate.”
“The nation is $14 trillion in debt,” Duncan told HuffPost after the debate. “We’ve got a lot of other problems that we need to focus on, stop the fiscal insanity in this country. I think we’ve got a lot of work to do. The candidates who talked about that were on message. The candidates that got off of that were not on message.”
“If I had had to advise them I would say get back to the issues that are at hand: American energy independence, the rising prices at the pump, and our nation’s national debt,” he added.
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Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) blanched at talk by Johnson of legalized abortion and by Paul of allowing gays to marry.
“I disagreed with the idea that there should be any taxpayer funded abortions, or the federal government redefining marriage,” DeMint said. “I wasn’t quite sure if I was hearing that or not.”
Much of the debate, hosted by Fox News, understandably focused on foreign policy, given the killing of Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden earlier this week. A number of questions also concerned social and religious issues.
First Republican Presidential Debate Pulled Off Course But Pawlenty Emerges Relatively Unscathed