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Bill Maher – President Obama Destroys Fallacy Of Republicans Being Party of National Security And Fiscal Responsibility

It is said that if you keep repeating something over and over again without anyone vigorously refuting it, it can take on a semblance of truth. For years Republicans had successfully convinced many Americans that it was the party of fiscal responsibility and national security.

Irrespective of the facts that the majority of both the federal deficit and the federal debt was caused by Republican supply side economics instituted by President Ronald Reagan, the fallacy continued. Irrespective of the largest terrorist attack ever to hit the shores of America happening under the Republican President George Bush, an attack that could have been stopped if President Bush and Condoleezza Rice had taken our national security seriously, the fallacy continued.

This week President Obama in his stoic and calm manner juggled a birther attack, a correspondence dinner, a national weather disaster, a NASA event, and many other minor events virtually concurrently as he planned the take down of America’s most disdained enemy, Osama Bin Laden. This he did without the utter disdain of collateral damage to other humans that the previous administration was known for. This was competence to the nth degree.

President Bush and his policies have virtually bankrupted our country by fighting a war of choice in Iraq while unable to capture Osama Bin Laden in the seven years he tried. President Obama’s policy of competence in executing national and international affair is in stark contrast with what America has gotten used to. One can only hope that citizens begin evaluating policies over rhetoric and voting accordingly.

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