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Funny But Wouldn’t You Like President Obama To say This Just once? Maybe In a Joking Manner?

The President passed a less than optimum stimulus heavy on tax cuts and less on infrastructure which gives more to the wealthy and less to the middle class. This was not enough.

President Obama decided not to institute the more middle class friendly Medicare for all and instead allowed insurance companies to continue pilfering the middle class to get their hurray for the time being. This was not enough.

The President allowed President Bush’s tax cuts to the rich to be extended another two years. This was still not enough.

The President gave in and showed his birth certificate. It was still not enough.

The President effected changes in the national security strata that allowed the eventual capture and execution of Osama Bin Laden. Of course it was not enough.

It is time the president come to the realization that it will never be enough for those on the Right and those who do not like him for who he is. Mr. President, do what is necessary to get elected in 2012. We will give your unappreciative quasi-conservative governance a pass. We do expect to see the real Liberal we know reside in your immense intellect thereafter to finally move the country forward.

My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom
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