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Cornell West Calling President Obama “a black mascot of Wall Street" Nothing But A Media Play

Cornell West is hurt that the President has not come calling. And for that he uses the poor, indigent, and middle class as his prop to attack the President as a "a black mascot of Wall Street". What is funny is that while the President worked the trenches with the middle class, poor, and indigent before his political career, West spent most of the time blowing hot air with pretty words and no "spine" behind them.

Jonathan Capehart in his article "Cornel West on Obama is no better than a birther" is the best analysis of this so called intellectual I could find.

Even Sharpton gets it as reported by Capehart:

“There are those that are not capable of getting their head around the fact that [Obama is] the president of the United States and that he has to deal with that and deal with every constituency group that way,” Sharpton continued. “Many of them are so caught in their own insecurities and egos, there’s no strategy. You’re dealing with a climate that [Obama’s critics] would even question his birth certificate, what would make you think that if he wrote out a ‘Black Agenda’ from him that they would accept that from him? That’s absurd.”


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