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Information Activism: How we will break the cycle of corruption | Coffee Party

Excellent article by Annabel Park And Eric Byler, founders of the Coffee Party movement. They’ve hit the nail on the head.

The reality is that given that we currently have the media not only virtually under the complete control of a few corporations but also under control of a point of view that ensures all information is biased not to the individual citizen but to the wealthy and corporations.

While this sounds cliché, that it sounds cliché should make it neither boring or less true. Moving forward, it will be the individual blogger, the individual videographer, the individual story teller, the individual Internet radio operator, the individual Internet TV operator that will make a difference.

As long as we are able to force the openness of the Internet, we can still control the message. That notwithstanding, would cripple the necessary economic and social activism of the middle class.

My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom
Book’s Webpage:

By Annabel Park & Eric Byler

Irresponsible news entertainment, and the confusion, hatred, and alienation it generates, have the effect of preserving the status quo.

So long as We the People are mesmerized by false controversies and manipulated by partisan bickering, we will be unable to confront the real challenges we face: our two unfunded wars, our millions of homes facing foreclosure, and our gridlocked Congress corrupted by money.

Endless streams of celebrity gossip and divisive political theater presented as "news" serve no one, except for a small, powerful collusion of interests that prefer to see Americans actively despise one another while ignoring what truly divides us: money and power.

Information Activism: How we will break the cycle of corruption | Coffee Party

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