Last year’s health care law, The Affordable Care Act, made some important changes to Medicare that improve benefits and aim to cut program costs whilst other changes like the use of a medicare mbi converter are for protection reasons.
Whether you will soon turn 65 and join Medicare for the first time, or you already get your care through Medicare or have someone in your family who does, Consumer Reports gives you the six things you need to know right now. You can access medicare insurance in most states, for example can help you organise Jacksonville medicare if you haven’t already set yours up. Healthcare insurance should be at the top of everyone’s list of regular expenses, no matter how frugal you are, but before you sign up keep reading the latest important changes.
Order Consumer Reports FREE guide ‘Medicare: 6 Things You Need to Know Now’ with a quick click.
What kind of things? Well, if you (or a parent or grandparent) have a Medicare Advantage plan, you will now enjoy a major new financial protection from increases in your co-payments and co-insurance.
And this year the open-enrollment period – the time when you can join, switch, or drop a Medicare Advantage or Part D plan – is changing. Medicare enrollees need to look over their options carefully and in plenty of time.
Consumer Reports breaks it down for you in this FREE guide. Download a copy or order one now.
If you still have questions after reading the guide, we’ve included toll-free numbers for help in every state, and numbers for consumer service groups like the Medicare Rights Center.
We hope you like our guide, and if you do, we hope you will order FREE copies to pass out to others who need a quick, easy-to-read summary of Medicare’s changes. You can download just one, or order as many as you want.
DeAnn Friedholm
Consumers Reports
101 Truman Ave
Yonkers, NY 10703