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Kingwood Area Democrats Rally At Kings Street Patriots New Headquarters

Kingwood Area Democrats and several other Progressive and Democratic organizations participated in the rally at the opening of the King Street Patriots new headquarters on May 16th, 2011. The event was attended by Texas Governor Rick Perry and House Representative Ted Poe. They entered the event undetected. This is the group that is responsible for using dubious tactics to suppress the votes they perceive would not vote for their candidates.

The following was reported to have transpired inside the event from someone who attended the event.

Main Coordinator/Speaker: Kathy Engelbrite – founder of King Street Patriots

Attendees: Sam Malone, Ted Poe, Rick Perry, Dan Patrick, Kevin Brady, John Culberson, Sarah Davis, approx 200 people

Prayer: Luis Lopez – Lakewood Church. From Proverbs: “upright people” quote (main point of prayer)

Opening Comments: Dr. Steve Steinlight, “Center for Immigration Studies” – there is an “Aryian Agenda”; sanctuary cities are countenanced and are dangerous; E-Verify should be mandatory; main way Nazis got power was not enforcing local laws.

Presentation of “Resolution”: Dan Patrick and Sarah Davis signed a resolution in Austin today and brought it to Kathy Engelbrite for founding the King Street Patriots. She was also given an American flag.

Comments by Dan Patrick: we have balanced the budget with no Rainy Day funds (standing ovation and Perry waving arms over head around and around); schools and nursing homes are funded.

Speech by Governor Perry (began by swinging his suit jacket over his head in a circle):

  • Love of liberty is worth dying for and King Street Patriots understand. This base of operations will perpetuate the values that make this country great.
  • “New interests” since 2008, (laughs from audience), but we made progress in 2010 and are sending message to so-called progressives that their agenda is not the American agenda
  • I carry a copy of the Constitution in my pocket, thanks to the KSP and Tea Party
  • Carter deflated this country. Reagan came back with pro-growth and love of country and faith in individuals
  • The liberal mindset of “you need to get by with less, because we are going to take more from you” was partially stopped by Reagan but it is still going on
  • Liberal Utopian Fantasies will kill jobs. Obama’s bold and liberal efforts are not right and must be stopped
  • D.C. is overstepping its boundaries daily. It has co-opted the job creation language.
  • Texas is #1! CEO’s love us because we respect and uphold the 10th Amendment
  • D.C. is Oz. Its not what the Founding Fathers intended. Pull back the curtain! Its time!
  • Its nonsense that we should all look alike and be alike. We have to compete with each other. Competition is American. There’s only been one time that our leader didn’t want us to compete in the Olympics. (hint, hint)
  • GOP Governors are the answer! Look at Scott Walker! People like him and Bobby Jindal can push us to do more. Private sector will be stronger and wealth will be created.
  • Can’t have money for teachers and cops if there are no entrepreneurs to create the jobs. We will look like California.
  • Its a pivotal time now. Only 2 weeks left in Austin and much pressure to spend money. But we weren’t kidding in 2010! NO SPENDING!! Call everyday. We need to hear from you.
  • Still doing Voter ID and Sonogram Bill – We are sending a message to the country: Watch us! Be impressed!
  • The Loser Pays bill puts us over the top, better than we already are, into the stratosphere. I told Haley Barbour I was going to do this and he said, Rick, if you do this you can put a toll road on every highway that goes into Texas! (much laughter and applause) We are setting standards! We say NO to special interests.
  • The main point, the main thing we have to do, the purpose of the KSP, is to rally Americans to defend their freedom like Paul Revere did.

Closing comments by Ted Poe: No one goes to war for bigger government and more government programs. We have to stand up for our rights. Obama doesn’t own our oil and natural resources.

Closing comments by Kathy Engelbrite: We need a True America with true elections. Thats what True the Vote is for. We have to focus on moving Forward, and that’s why Forward is our logo. We do this for our children. Its on us! We are called to believe! We can change our country back to the founding principles that we want, that we need, and that God intended for us to have.

Announcement that IPad electronic donation takers were in each corner – had large signs indicating where they were stationed. Envelopes were passed around to also put donations in. Large scoll-type banners with quotes and sayings hung on every wall. Thanks given to all who built the stage, arranged for building to be turned into new office, made donations to get new furniture, from furnishing companies like Versare, and decorations.

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