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Republicans Throwing Grandma Off A Cliff (VIDEO)

During the healthcare debate in 2009 the Republicans successfully had seniors believing the new law would kill grandma or throw grandma off the bus. They said the law had death panels and would take control away from your doctor. Of course none of that was true.

Interesting enough, Paul Ryan’s new budget proposal would do exactly all those things to grandma. After-all with the Republicans killing Medicare, health care insurance  would be privatized completely.

News Alert: Private insurance companies are for profit and will not insure grandma as she is not profitable and too darn old. If grandma is like most grandmas, she is living on social security and a small savings. She will have to use all her monies for healthcare. Of course she will not have enough and she will die.

For the rest of us, as healthcare costs go up, the vouchers provided will pay for less. As it pays for less, we transfer more of our hard earned savings to wealthy insurance companies that provide no service of value other than paying a bill, providing high salaries to executives, and providing income to insurance companies’ shareholders..

Middle Class America is not looking for a handout. They are looking for an honest social pact. Currently the only pact is Republican sanctioned wealth transfer from the middle class to the wealthy and corporations.


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