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Marching Orders To Regain COngress Begins Now. Liberals & Progressives Must Follow This Template

Democrat Kathy Hochul defeated Republican Jane Corwin in a special election in a very Republican district in New York that was fought specifically on Paul Ryan’s Medicare killing bill. What is sad is if a Republican had knocked off a Democrat in a very heavily Democratic district, it would be rolling throughout the day on CNN, FOXNEWS, & MSNBC. None of these stations are discussing the real meaning of this event in terms of our social construct. Maybe it will take the ouster of Paul Ryan to get some notice. Non corporate bloggers and website publishers are our only hope of disseminating valid information these days.

It is imperative that Democrats do not snatch defeat out of victory for this one. The Republicans lied about healthcare reform by calling it a cut in Medicare, death panels, and removing options from the patient and giving it to the government­.

The reality is that is not what the healthcare reform bill did. The truth: That is exactly what Paul Ryan’s and the Republicans killing of Medicare will do. Democrats can be truthful and win the argument but they must make it often, forcefully, and consistently.

A "FEW" message points and narratives must be developed and disseminated throughout the liberal and progressive blogosphere. Truthful statements like the following must be at the tip of every thinking activist’s tongue.

"Republicans want to privatize Medicare. They will put the choice of which elderly gets insured in the hands of for profit insurance companies. The elderly and the middle aged will ultimately have to pay most of their health care out of pocket eventually forcing them into bankruptcy"

This very important win shows that when Liberals are able to get the truth about the actual destructive nature of Republican policies out with examples that show material effect on person, there are a few Republicans that are able to break the chains of their ideology to vote for pragmatism and in their own financial interest.

Liberals and Progressives now have their wake up call and marching orders. Do the ground work necessary to educate with facts. Combat the false narratives and fallacies of the Republicans at every turn.

My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom
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