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Devastating 82nd Texas Legislature Regular Session Comes to an End–The Implicit Pilfering of The Middle Class

Devastating 82nd Regular Session Comes to an End

The 82nd Regular Legislative Session came to an end yesterday. This was easily the most devastating session of which I’ve been a part. The Republican supermajority passed a budget and several policies that betray Texans. Instead of improving public schools, Republicans wasted time on legislation meant to impede a woman’s choice and to suppress voters.

Even with a supermajority, Republicans couldn’t pass a bill to adequately fund our children’s schools. They drafted an inequitable school finance formula, which determines how much money goes to our children in schools, forcing us to a special session to address school finance. Texans will feel the devastating consequences of the poor policy choices made by those in charge.

Below I’ve included some of the major policies passed this session that could adversely affect Texans. In the darkness, there were a few bright moments.

Misses of the 82nd Legislature:

Hits of the 82nd Legislature:

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