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The Crisis of Credit by Jonathan Jarvis–Best And Most Simple Description of The Genesis of Our Financial Meltdown (VIDEO)

What is so sad about the financial crisis is that many bankers, brokers, and other financial professionals made billions for doing absolutely nothing more than filling out papers. They did not produce any products or real services of societal value.

There is a problem in a country that rewards those who simply move money around and profit from said movement more so than those who actually innovate and produce products and real services. Why should the banker make more than the workers building the homes they are profiting from? Why should the broker make more than the engineer that made the material that allowed for that home?

Most professionals and skilled workers know that the bankers, financial professionals, and brokers’ value to our society is exponentially overstated. Until they decide to hold back their skills until equilibrium is reached where the titans of finance are put in their proper place the country will continue its decline. After-all, the titans of finance have no loyalties to country or humanity. Proof positive is the current state of the economy, who is actually affected, who has reaped the benefit from the potential meltdown, and who is fighting regulations to prevent another occurrence.

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