I explained to my buddy that it is incumbent on Liberals to educate and bring the country along. Contrary to popular belief, no politician really leads. He only leads where the citizens allow him to lead. An uneducated citizenry will allow him to lead them nowhere or worst, to their own demise.
As Liberals we better go out and bust our butts to enlighten and inform the uninformed middle class. If we do that we will not have to bring President Obama kicking and screaming, he will come gleefully. I trust that MoveOn.org’s new campaign will bear fruit.
WASHINGTON — It seemed, at the time, too surreal to be true. In late May, a YouTube user named Hiropro999 posted a video to the site showing the ticker outside of News Corp.’s Manhattan headquarters being hacked and reprogrammed with an anti-FOX News script. The mysterious nature of the poster combined with the high profile of the target produced a tremendous amount of curiosity and netted 300,000-plus views. FOX News said the video was a fake. It was.
On Wednesday morning, MoveOn.org, the five million-member progressive advocacy organization, finally acknowledged that it had commandeered the elaborate prank in an effort to draw attention to a much larger campaign. On June 23rd, the organization, alongside former White House adviser Van Jones and The Roots, are launching what organizers are calling "Rebuild the Dream," an effort to move the political conversation away from austerity and towards job creation.
"This will be the largest economic campaign we have ever run," Justin Ruben, MoveOn’s Executive Director said in an interview with The Huffington Post. "The goal here is to really change the debate and refocus it on the stuff that is necessary to create jobs and make the economy work for regular people … It is unreal that with widespread misery across the country, Washington is focused on closing the deficit and giving tax breaks to millionaires."
It’s a task far more elaborate than engineering a YouTube prank. At a time when both major political parties and the White House have been bit by the austerity bug, arguing that the country actually isn’t broke means risking "serious" status inside the Washington beltway. So MoveOn, which has experienced its share of D.C.-rooted discomfort during the Obama era, has focused its sights elsewhere.
On the 23rd, the group will be renting out The Town Hall in midtown Manhattan to host what Ruben describes as a "town hall meeting meets Godzilla meets the Grapes of Wrath meets a great dance party … Not to raise expectations or anything."
Perhaps Ruben is being overly exuberant. It is fair to say, however, that with the "Rebuild the Dream" campaign, MoveOn, which built its identity on challenging conventional political wisdom, be it the impeachment of Bill Clinton or the war in Iraq, is engaging in a type of hyper-aggressive organizing it has never tried before. At a time when the number of political advocacy groups competing for influence and attention is rising — in what is inherently a finite sphere — email solicitations and web ads have given way to a more subversive, overtly confrontational touch.
MoveOn Uses Fox News Hoaxes, Van Jones And The Roots In Anti-Austerity Campaign