BREAKING: Judge Ware leaves Walker’s Prop 8 ruling in place
Egberto Willies
Just now, Judge Ware denied our opponents’ motion to vacate Judge Walker’s historic ruling striking down Prop. 8. The proponents of Prop. 8 stood up in court yesterday and said Judge Ware should knock out the ruling just because Judge Walker is gay, that essentially he ran a "kangaroo court." Check out the ads funded by hundreds of Courage members and placed around the courthouse — they helped, as did nearly 18 months of Prop. 8 Trial Tracker, NOM Tour Tracker and Testimony. We helped make clear to Judge Ware that times have changed.
Yesterday in federal court,’s lawyers sputtered about how important it was to hide this public trial from the public because it’s so "emotional." The videos they want buried forever show that Prop. 8 was based on prejudice, not facts. They even show the proponents’ witness testifying under oath that same-sex marriage strengthens America and its families.
We can use this trial footage in so many places. We’re on the cusp of legalizing same-sex marriage in New York State, where four critical swing Senators announced yesterday they’d support marriage equality. We’re gearing up for a fight in Minnesota to defeat their own version of Prop 8 next year. Our allies have filed a lawsuit in Tennessee to overturn laws banning the use of the word "gay" in school and outlawing non-discrimination laws by local governments.
Help us do another round of ads, so the public can see video of the Prop 8 trial, and so we can use the trial footage in critical fights next year. The public will see that same-sex marriage isn’t just the right thing to do — it’s a civil right.
The Courage Campaign is a multi-issue online organizing network that empowers more than 700,000 grassroots and netroots supporters to push for progressive change and full equality in California and across the country.