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What is Wrong With The Economy And How To Solve It In Two Minutes (VIDEO)

Robert Reich provides the best explanation of what ails our economy in simple terms in about 2 minutes. It would be great if Americans would fact check Reich’s information presented as well as information provided by the Right Wing Echo Chamber objectively.

If Americans would simply allow themselves to think and not allow the GOP and Blue Dog Democrats to use their fears to vote for those who would support policies that ultimate work against their own self-interest progress will come. The simple fact is President Reagan, President GHW Bush, President Clinton, President GW Bush, and our current President Obama (to a lesser degree) has given us over 30 years of trickledown economics.

The results have been in for some time. The middle class share of the country’s wealth and income has been diminished as the top 2%’s wealth has increased disproportionately. While the income of the wealthy top 2% has increased dramatically, the income of the middle class has been stagnant for the last 30 years. These are statements of fact that can be corroborated with the CBO or any think tank not cooking the raw data.

I have faith that once we are able to break the mental slavery that the Right Wing Echo Chamber has inflicted on many Americans, we will ultimately be successful in recalibrating America’s economy into one that really rewards work, ethics, true morality, and free enterprise biased to the individual.


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