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Educate Folks On oUr Muslim Brethren- Hate Has No Place In America (VIDEO)

Americans in general are a good and trusting people. Have you ever noticed that for the most part whenever you engage in one on one conversation with anyone irrespective of religion, ethnicity, race, creed, or other that it is generally pleasant? Even if you get into the complexities of religion and politics a certain amount of civility is generally maintained. It is only when group think comes into play that we see a behavioral change. It is as if those in any specific group are attempting to confirm to their peers their mutual bond by being less accepting or inclusive of that other.

You see this behavior from young girls in middle school right up to women in adulthood. You see it with boys on the playground right up to men on the job. A Progressive education and institutions whether they be religious, civic, or social can be attenuating factors to this apparent carnal behavior.

Hate mongers like many Right Wing Talk radio and TV talk show hosts with cult like following can have a different effect. One need only listen to the barrage of attacks on our Muslim brothers and sisters that are a direct effect of these hosts using our group think defect as a baton of attack.

It is time that we call this out now. It is time that we write letters to the editors as well as calling in to these stations to let them know we do not intend to go back to the prejudice of the past.


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