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Kingwood Area Democrats – Why I Am A Democrat (VIDEO)

Members of the Kingwood Area Democrats expressing the values that make them true Democrats.

The Kingwood Area Democrats(KAD) were very active in the 2011 4th of July celebrations in Kingwood, TX. They participated in the parade at 10:00 AM and had two booths at Town Center’s July 4th Festival. The Kingwood Area Democrats was one of the six signature sponsors of the event.

Given the perceived “overwhelming conservativeness” of the area, many otherwise progressive and moderate residents were not aware of the scope of Democrats in Kingwood, TX.  KAD members were amazed at the reception and the number of people who engaged them mostly positively at their booth. KAD states that as Kingwood grows and residents are given the opportunity to make their own minds up after being able to listen to an alternative message as opposed to a group think mentality, it is inevitable that a tip in balance will occur in Kingwood in the coming years. This can only be a good thing.

Visit KAD website at http://www.KingwoodAreaDem​ for meeting times and contact information.

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