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Coffee Party Action Alert: End the Debt Ceiling Hostage Crisis

Please send a message to Congress to demand an end to the Debt Ceiling Hostage Crisis, and help our country avoid an economic disaster.  While potential solutions have been put on the table, all have been blocked by ideologues more loyal to Grover Norquist’s “no tax” pledge than to the economic well-being of our country.

Members of Congress need to understand that they can no longer get away with advancing the failed ideology of trickle-down economics.  We must demand that they govern in a fact-based, solutions-oriented manner.

It is not a solution to deal with the debt by cutting spending only, with no compromises on tax increases or closing tax loopholes. This plan is not only cynical, unfair and hurtful to the middle and working class, many economists (including Reagan’s Budget Director David Stockman and Alan Greenspan) have pointed out that it actually hurts our entire economy.

Please send your letter and then forward this email to your network of friends and family.  As more Americans learn about the consequences of a federal debt default, more will stand up for what is best for our country. 

Egberto, Michael, Lynda, Diane, Annabel, Debilyn, Eric, Billy and the Coffee Party USA team

PS – Please help us grow the movement by making a donation or becoming an official member, both of which come with special offers ending July 31.

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