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Rupert Murdoch And Foxnews must Be Hit Hard Now With Vengeance For Being The Conduit To Destroy America

Now that the light is being turned on to the roach infested sewer that is the Rupert Murdoch organization News Corp, it is a must that no one lets up on this scourge. While the switch was turned on by News Corp’s News International, there seems to be many lights starting to light up in America. FoxNews could be the one to take the fall.

FoxNews has been a cancer on the American body politic. They have been the promoters of racism, sexism, and all the negative isms one can think about. FoxNews have misinformed Americans so that their viewers are the most uninformed viewers of any network of consequence.

I do not think it is hyperbole to state that their misinformation has allowed an irresponsible governance that has negatively affected most middle class Americans. Moreover, absent FoxNews we likely would not have had these mind blowing deficits as the economic realities would be understood by most Americans, as opposed to the false information that they’ve used to indoctrinate their viewers that have effected the election of ideologues.

Vengeance must be exacted on this corporation to ensure that no other corporation would attempt to destroy the real American dream again. The damage they’ve caused will be with us for decades.

Rupert Murdoch’s Fall From Grace Is Good For America And The World.

Evil is as evil does. Plain and simple. Many who have read my articles have seen me ask that we see “them” by their actions. “Them” being whomever the article is focused on at the time. This time it is focused on none other than the most powerful figure in world-wide media…Rupert Murdoch.

Rupert Murdoch and his band of misguided cohorts and minions have done irreparable damage to the institute of Journalism. These unforgivable people have systematically stripped the Journalistic process to the core, to its bare bones. I do think this scandal being broken is a good thing. News Corp has used its power and influence to strangle smaller news media and other enterprises around the world to the point of no return, causing dozens of them to close down or be gobbled up by the giant itself. The world has suffered mightily at the hands of News Corp.

It is no secret that New Corp employs any and all methods to devastate its victims and then buy them up when they are wounded and most vulnerable…as highlighted by Rachel Maddow on her show on July 18th. The Murdochs have caused the American elections to be hijacked by Fascist elements for years and indeed caused so much devastation in America through various means of manipulation that it is a welcome thing to have them investigated here in the US.

It is proven that a dog who likes to suck eggs on your farm will also suck eggs on your neighbor’s farm…it takes no stretch of the imagination to understand that the corrupt practices News Corps companies engaged in overseas are more than likely to surface here in America…as that dog liked the underhanded and dishonest …not to mention illegal way they operated and drummed up their news stories. They broke all the rules, they bribed officials, they tampered with evidence in murder cases, they smeared the characters and good names of countless people over the years while pursuing stories, and they did not stop there. One whistle-blower has already turned up dead, I am sure the authorities are concerned for the safety of their witnesses after this.


Rupert Murdoch’s Fall From Grace Is Good For America And The World. | AddictingInfo.Org

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