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Don’t Destroy The American Dream Rally At Ted Poe’s Office In Kingwood, TX

Kingwood Area Democrats and many other Progressive Kingwood residents participated in the “Don’t Destroy The American Dream” rally organized by We had an excellent showing given the short notice and the time of day and the heat of the day. It shows that Kingwood is moving in the right direction.

That the Tea Party found it necessary to counter protest shows that they understand that Democrats and Progressives in our community will not only awaken, but engage our neighbors, our families, and our acquaintances to open their eyes to the indoctrination that has been a detriment not only to our country but to their lives. The task is becoming easier as they can see the pilfering of the middle class. They see a debt ceiling debate negotiated for spending cuts only as entitlement are taking draconian hits even as the wealthy pays absolutely nothing towards reducing our deficits.

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