Many feel outright depression on the perception of an ineffective President Obama. I must admit that at times during the Stimulus debate, the Healthcare Reform Debate, the Bush Tax Cuts Extension Debate, and the Debt Ceiling debate many times I wished he had displayed more public angst with the obstructionists that were those in the Republican Party. I decided however to give the President the benefit of the doubt. I surmised that behind the scenes much was likely going on that we weren’t privy to.
After doing my radio show today and taking my two young co-hosts to lunch I continued to endure their dissent on the President’s accomplishments but mostly on the things they believed he failed at. Granted much of their concerns are warranted in the abstract, their belief that the President was capable of doing those things is more idealistic than they are willing to believe.
After going through the Kingwood Area Democrats Facebook page one of our more active members posted a link to a blog post that included the following prescient text as well as a myriad of President Obama’s accomplishments.
If you think President Obama is a failure, or you’re "disappointed" in him, the problem pretty much has to be you. So far, this president has done most of what he said he would do, and he’s only halfway through his first term. Not only is he NOT a "failure," he’s pretty much the opposite. Hell; he even took out Osama bin Laden, something Bush couldn’t do in eight years. Of course, Bush also said several times that he really didn’t care bout bin Laden, anyway…
Is he perfect? No, he’s human. Does he deserve some criticism? Sure. But criticism about certain specific problems is one thing; taking on an overall "Obama sucks" meme not only has the potential to put another Bush into power, but it’s also a lie to say, or even imply, he’s a lousy president.
Here is a PARTIAL list of Obama’s accomplishments so far. Unlike many lists, I actually include a link to details. I also update this list regularly, so check back often.
Anytime someone, right OR left, tells you Obama sucks, or is a "disappointment," show them this list and tell them to kiss a part of your body not usually considered pleasant to kiss.
The first section alone should make them sit down and shut up. [Click For Accomplishments]
Another member then posted a link that led me to an article by Fareed Zakaria titled Fareed’s Take: Defending Obama’s pragmatism The basic premise of the article is that many Liberals need to grow up. They need to see the big picture.
Now let me be clear. I am a supporter of President Obama not out of hope and change but as a pragmatic vessel that I ultimately expect will fulfill a substantial amount of what Progressives want because it is the only moral course. As an Independent turned devout Democrat I give President Obama the benefit of the doubt on issues where I think he has failed not only my values but what I perceive as his values. This stance is simply strategic as I assume much of what he does is to ensure a reelection which is needed to ultimately be successful in righting the USA. My young co-hosts believe that the President in not fulfilling all his promises by all means necessary makes him a fraud; I will not be presumptuous and come to that conclusion. That said, if my President upon reelection does not show the Progressive values that is expected of a community organizer and one with his intellect, I will be just as passionate in abandoning the Party as much of what my young co-host believe would have been realized.