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EVIDENCE CLEAR: Republican politicians would rather see the President fail than put Americans back to work.

Senate Republican Leader McConnell said it’s "ridiculous" to suggest that Republicans are rooting against the economy just to hurt the President politically. But the evidence over the 1000 days of Obama’s presidency clearly shows otherwise.

Republican leaders said they want the President to fail:

In the first half of this year alone, Republicans in Congress tried to kill nearly 7 million jobs.

When asked about the potential for more job losses, Speaker John Boehner said, "so be it."

They threatened to shut down our government, which would have cost our economy billions.

They brought us to the brink of default by threatening not to pay America’s bills, and say they’ll do it again.

Their political brinkmanship brought us the Tea Party Downgrade, the first-ever downgrade of America’s perfect credit rating.

They didn’t even want the Federal Reserve to consider intervening to help our struggling economy.

Let’s remember – a month into his presidency, they refused to help our economy recover.

Now, they unified in voting against the American Jobs Act, which would create 2 million jobs, even though it’s based on proposals they have supported in the past.

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