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Nancy Pelosi Stern Response To Republicans Attack On Women’s Rights

America needs jobs. Congress has the ability to pass bills that will allow jobs to be created in the private sector now to rebuild roads that are waiting for funding now.

Yet what are the Republicans debating in Congress today? Abortion! To be more precise they are debating the bill they call Protect Life Act which will ban the federal funding for abortions and bar women from using tax subsidies from the health care law to buy insurance that cover abortion except in the cases of rape, incest, or health of the mother. If they really thought abortion was murder then those exclusions would not absolve them of said sin. The bill also protect health care providers if they believe that performing abortion procedures clashes with their personal beliefs.

What is next, protection for health care providers who think redheads are witches and as such must be refused service? I am being sarcastic here but can America see the similarity between Right Wing Republicans and the Taliban. When my friend Markos Moulitsas, founder of The DailyKos, wrote the book American Taliban, he got a lot of flack. Reality is that he was right.

Congress needs to start working on issues that have a material effect on the American joblessness. They need to start working now. It is imperative that we replace the current Congress with people who have service to the American citizens in their windshield and rare view mirror alike.


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