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Jobs Vs Tea Party Based Republican Economics–A Must Read

Today is President Obama’s 1000th day in office. Likewise today is the 1000th day of right-wing pundits and Republican politicians rooting for him to fail. Later this week, the Senate will likely vote on a part of the President’s American Jobs Act to put more of our teachers, firefighters, and cops back on the job.

We face a choice that is simple to make. Do we want American Jobs or do we want Tea Party economics? The fact is we need to create jobs now. Our leaders need to put ideology aside and do what works.

Last week, Republicans in Congress voted for Tea Party economics: laying off teachers, leaving veterans without jobs, and letting more of our roads and bridges crumble. "Trickle down economics" – tax giveaways for the richest 1% – doesn’t work. "Tea Party economics" – cutting jobs to create jobs – doesn’t work either. This week, they’ll face another choice: take away jobs from 400,000 teachers or keep them teaching the next generation and spending in our local stores. Washington Republicans keep asking "where are the jobs?" Well, the jobs are right in front of them. They just have to stop blocking them.

Republicans do not have a better job plan. In fact:

Reality is the Republicans are rooting against the economy. After-all":

It is extremely important that you know the following:

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