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Generation no longer understands meaning of American Dream by Bryan Henry

I picked up the Kingwood Observer this morning to read the letters to the editor. I find that one can get a pulse of the community by starting there. I was simply blown away by the passion of the letter to the editor by Bryan Henry who says he is in his 20s.

I got excited because I have been waiting for the youth to finally get into the game. Many in Baby Boomer generation have simply failed our children by buying into the fallacies of trickle-down economics and the many policies that have taken our country to the brink. At the same time we are continuing the support of policies that penalize the youth and the old as well as policies that in effect transferred much of the country’s wealth to a few who cannot be considered but pilferers of the country’s fortunes.

It will take a continuous movement by the youth joined by moral adults who are willing to open their eyes the idolatry of their ideology.

Dear editor,

They have been called socialists, anarchists, hippies, naïve dreamers, ignorant kids, unemployed bums, and un-American.

According to, the Occupy Wall Street movement“is fighting back against the corrosive power of major banks and multinational corporations over the democratic process” and “aims to expose how the richest 1 percent of people who are writing the rules of the global economy are imposing an agenda of neo-liberalism and economic inequality.”

In my opinion, Occupy Wall Street sounds rather informed and deliberate. I wonder if the average American is even familiar with the term neo-liberalism.

Occupy Wall Street considers itself part of the 99 percent whose voice no longer matters because corporate influence has turned our democracy into a sham. It saddens and angers me to watch the corporate media denigrate a group of intelligent, organized, and passionate people who are trying to communicate a simple message: greed is the source of corruption; and our political process has become entirely corrupt. Yet, greed, self-indulgence, and consumerism remain the fundamental value that underpins our entire economy, society, and culture.

While the participants of Occupy Wall Street are of all ages, there is no denying that most are young people in their 20s; hence, many older people dismissing them as naïve, lazy, or worse. As someone in their 20s, I would like to attempt to shed some light on why I believe people all over our country are currently participating in marches, sit-ins, non-violent demonstrations, and peaceful occupations.

Our generation does not see a society where people who work hard are rewarded. We see a society where the cruelest, most morally bankrupt version of “survival of the fittest” is the order of the day; and the “fittest” are the wealthy and the corrupt. Not only does this conflict with the spiritual values we have been taught, it conflicts with the type of society we would like to live in. We feel that we should be able to influence our society because we have also been taught that in a democracy the government ought to be “of the people, by the people, for the people.” Our generation sees a political system wherein both parties write and pass laws designed to enrich corporations at the expense of the common good, or the promotion of the “general Welfare.”


Generation no longer understands meaning of American Dream – Your Houston News: Opinion

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