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Gloria Allred 4th Herman Cain Sexual Harassment Accuser Sharon Bialek Comes Forward

It is sad that what will likely bring down Herman Cain’s poll numbers is likely less than credible sexual harassment charges instead of his complete incompetence.Don’t get me wrong, I think Herman Cain is probably a flirt. I am unqualified to specifically state whether anything he has done would qualify as sexual harassment. I am always concerned that men are at a disadvantage when any woman makes that claim whether justified or not because the charge can never be unwound.

Gloria Allred  introduced Sharon Bialek as the Registered Republican who is accusing Herman Cain of past sexual harassment. She requested a job from Herman Cain and instead he provided her with his idea of a “stimulus package”. I am listening to Sharon now and she appears very credible.I am a bit concerned that she just showed up to a city without a formal interview with Mr. Cain when it could be handled over the phone. That said, Mr. Cain’s presidential aspiration as of today is dead. Saturday Night Live should be fun this week.

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