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Above Ground Pools

I have a regular pool in my back yard. I will now make the case for above ground pools.

It started simply. My daughter was seven years old and told me she would learn to swim if we bought her a pool. We had just gotten our new home and I thought an outdoor in the ground pool would be beautiful and would provide us an excellent view for our parties as well as serve to entertain all of my daughter’s friends.

The reality is that it did all of that. What we didn’t think of was how we were going to maintain the pool. There are many components that go with a backyard pool, including a pool service, water checks and much more. However, to be frank I must state that we did not use the pool often. Likewise we only threw about 6 parties or so a year. The cleaning service that we had to have for the pool was rather expensive. The replacement water given our Texas heat was very expensive. The repairs that ultimately happens with the shifting earth caused by our drought are expensive. I can go on and on and on. Although it wasn’t all negative, some of the minor installations and repairs we had to do, like the pool lighting, was fairly inexpensive thanks to places like Fixmatic Electric an Electrician in Durango. And another plus is that my daughter learned to swim!

However, had I purchased an above ground pool, the majority of these problems would be non-existent and I would be that more wealthy. It’s typical because my friend told me to Go to bonnie & clydes pools and spas to look at above ground pools and I ignored them. God knows I look the fool now.

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