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Mitt Romney Lied In Attack Ad On President Obama–Let’s Review His Flip Flops & Lies

Mitt Romney lied in an attack ad on president Obama. Let’s review his flip flops & lies

It was not too hard to find videos of Mitt Romney flipping and flopping and lying all over the place. I just prepared this little video. I will call it a Public Service Announcement (PSA).

We will need a ton of these public service announcements during the 2012 election as the Right Wing will have to create an alternate state of reality to convince gullible Americans to vote against their financial and family’s interests in order to vote for them. They have been successful before because of Democratic, Liberal, and Progressive’s timidity to hit back fast and hard. I trust that we have learned our lesson and not allow evil to reign. You future, your family and your country depends on our success.
I am sure there are many other flip flops from Romney. If you find some I have not covered email them to me and I will add to the video.

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