It is not at all surprising that the GOP candidates are a bastion of lies, untruths, misrepresentations, and outright ignorance. The Right by design must lie.
That is the only way middle class America would ever vote for their candidates. Most people don’t knowingly vote against their own interest.
The GOP is effective of using people’s carnal prejudices along with lies that triggers them to have people support not only their politicians but policies that materially damage them.
I hope all of us here not only discuss it but do something about it. Many times we stay in our own echo chamber as opposed to going out there engaging and educating,. That is what we must do. Educate ourselves and then spread the word over and over again. Are you in?
My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom Book’s Webpage: – Twitter: |
GOP Candidates Make Flubs Big And Small
By PHILIP ELLIOTT 12/ 1/11 02:24 AM ET
GREENVILLE, S.C. — Newt Gingrich didn’t know when he would take office if he wins the presidency. Rick Perry got the voting age and the date of Election Day wrong. Herman Cain didn’t realize the president does not sign amendments to the Constitution.
In ways large and small, Republican presidential hopefuls are proving on multiple occasions to be "factually challenged," as Gingrich rather haughtily described a rival, despite getting some things wrong himself.
Campaigns are long and tough, candidates are often tired and flubs happen. But they are adding up and at some point could give Republican voters pause as they look for the candidate best able to take on the highly polished – though hardly factually infallible – President Barack Obama.
In submitting to what is, in effect, America’s toughest job interview, there may be only so much leeway in getting matters of current affairs and history plain wrong.
Frequent flubber Michele Bachmann’s suggestion many months ago that the Revolutionary battles of Lexington and Concord took place in New Hampshire was an opening shot, of sorts, in a volley of misfires by the candidates. Those battles were fought in Massachusetts in 1775.
On Wednesday, she offered another: She would support the United States shutting down its embassy in Tehran – but there is no U.S. Embassy in Iran’s capital.
Never mind the facts, her top spokeswoman said. "Congresswoman Bachmann is a member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence and is fully aware that we do not have an embassy in Iran and have not had one since 1980," Alice Stewart said in a statement.
It’s the latest but hardly the worst.
Cain promoted Chile’s retirement system as one that gives workers the option of having private accounts, when in fact they have no choice. Mitt Romney accused Obama of "peacetime spending binges" as if there were no wars going on. Bachmann accused Obama of canceling a Canadian pipeline project that has only been delayed.