GOP politicians are pouncing on the March employment numbers to attack the President — hoping no one notices that it’s their own policies to lay off Americans that are keeping the unemployment rate far worse than it should be.
We need more good jobs and leaders committed to creating them. Republican politicians admit their top priority is defeating Obama, so when they talk about unemployment not improving faster, they’re not complaining — they’re bragging.
They fought to fire more than half a million of our firefighters, teachers, and nurses, tried to lay off millions more, and now they’re pushing a budget plan that could kill 4 million more jobs. This is why the state is looking to employee more part-time staff. Temporary Employee Benefits have been a big game changer when developing the workforce. More Americans are still pounding the pavement looking for work because Republican politicians cut their jobs instead of cutting tax giveaways for the richest 1%.
We have a long way to go before our economy’s fully recovered. Americans shouldn’t have to keep fighting the GOP to get there.
ATTACK: “The jobs report shows families and small businesses are struggling because of Obama’s failed policies.”
- We have a long way to go before our economy’s fully recovered. Americans shouldn’t have to keep fighting the GOP to get there.
- Look no further than the latest Republican budget — it’d throw more Americans out of work, take money out of the pockets of struggling families, and take away Obamacare from our small businesses.
- We’d have even lower unemployment if Republicans hadn’t kept pushing to lay off more than half a million of our firefighters, teachers, and nurses and blocking Obama’s proposal to put Americans back to work fixing our roads and bridges.
ATTACK: “The jobs report shows Washington needs to part of the solution instead of the problem.”
- The problem is that we need leaders who are committed to creating good jobs more than they want the President to fail.
- How are we better off giving up on the investments that make America competitive in the world, letting the roads and bridges that our businesses rely on crumble, and gutting our kids’ education? That’s the Republican plan to put America on the “Path to Poverty.”
- America is the greatest country on earth, but we need our leaders to work with us to keep it that way. Instead Republican politicians are refusing to do their jobs and put Americans back to work.
ATTACK: “The jobs report shows Obamanomics is leaving women behind.”
- Actually, it’s the Republican effort to lay off Americans that leave women behind because the workers who keep our country running are more likely to be women.
- Republican politicians have some nerve talking about supporting women when they’re pushing a budget that will undermine their economic security at every stage of their life, throw them and their families off their health insurance, and let their parents go bankrupt by ending Medicare.
- Whether you’re a man or a woman, we all need an economy that works for everyone and gives everyone a fair shot. That’s what Obama’s working to achieve.
- Despite Republican efforts to sabotage the recovery, our economy has created private sector jobs for 25 months in a row, bringing the total to 4 million private sector jobs added in the last two years.
- The GOP budget that House Republicans just passed could wipe out all those jobs gains, costing our economy over 4 million jobs in the next two years alone.
- Last year alone, Washington Republicans tried to kill over 7 million jobs.
- At the state and local level, the Republican leadership at 12 states are responsible for most of the massive public sector layoffs that are dragging down our national economic recovery.
- If Republican politicians hadn’t pushed so hard to lay off our teachers, cops, and firefighters and block efforts to put Americans back to work fixing our roads and bridges, the unemployment rate could be down to 6% — 2 points lower than it is now.
- In fact, if public sector employment had grown since the official start of the recovery by the average amount it grew in the three previous recoveries, we’d have nearly 2 more million jobs today.
Half of Americans believe that Republicans are intentionally stalling efforts to jumpstart the economy to ensure President Obama isn’t re-elected. Even Republican politicians admit the Republican party is more interested in just defeating Barack Obama than they are in rebuilding America.