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The Chris Christie Story? Just the Tip of the GOP’s Scandal Iceberg

Cliff Olney Chris Christie

The Chris Christie Story

Bridgegate? Sandygate? We know these revelations are the tip of the GOP’s scandal iceberg.

It would be a mistake to treat this as just one scandal that involves only NJ Governor Chris Christie.

These acts were done in secret by the Christie Administration. The irony , is that the media is covering Governor Chris Christie’s inauguration for his second term as New Jersey’s governor while Federal Prosecutors investigate his possible involvement in the unfolding scandals in his State.
But what about what we see being done by the GOP to American workers and families, right there in plain sight?

Where’s the media coverage of that?

Do we see videos of families who have lost their unemployment benefits because of the GOP’s intransigence, at soup kitchens and food pantries?

No. Not so much.

Did Candy Crowley, State of the Union, interview anyone this weekend about getting an eviction notice from his landlord because he can’t pay his rent or instead, did we see her grill Dawn Zimmer, mayor of Hoboken, NJ, about why she would say nice things about Chris Christie before, but now come out with the accusation of Christie withholding Sandy Funds to get a pet redevelopment project forwarded that happens to be in Zimmer’s city.

So what’s more important than Bridgegate?

Not extending unemployment benefits?

Cutting food stamps?

Refusing to pass infrastructure bills that would create good paying American jobs?

Immigration? Voting rights? Women’s rights?

These are scandals in themselves; each rivaling Bridgegate but yet receive little attention from our media.


Which is worse?

Being held up in traffic for 6 hours longer or not being able to make your mortgage payment or put food on the table because your unemployment benefits were cut by the GOP?
Ask the 1.3 million that have been struggling to make ends meet and the millions more that receive less in food stamps which is more important.

Really, folks.

Chris Christie’s lack of curiosity in not asking the staffer who was responsible for sending the E-Mail that caused the George Washington Bridge to have ‘traffic problems’, is stunning.

That in itself, is telling.

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