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Trans-Pacific Partnership A Fast Track To Eroding Our Rights

Trans-Pacific Partnership Cliff Olney

Trans-Pacific Partnership A Fast Track To Eroding Our Rights

Remember the term, ‘big sucking sound”, Presidential Candidate Ross Perot used to describe what we’d hear in America were our government to adopt NAFTA?

Well, President Clinton did adopt the FTA (Free Trade Agreement) and what Perot described so eloquently, is exactly what American workers heard then and continue to hear as a result of our government signing on to the outsourcing of good paying American jobs.  President Obama wants to sign America up for more of what he claims will help to create jobs by ‘fast-tracking the Trans-Pacific Partnership or TPP.  Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says, “Not so fast”.

Ever notice that politicians leave off vital adjectives when describing the “where and for whom” these jobs will be created?  The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is in favor of TPP. So are Republicans. This, in itself, should tell workers all we need to know as to who this FTA will benefit.  So why is Obama advocating for this agreement?

And why are the TPP negotiations being done secretly?  Congress doesn’t even know all the details of this treaty.  “The Trans-Pacific Partnership will have disastrous implications for US consumers and workers. Read more on the TPP here:

We just signed a FTA with South Korea.  Korean made cars sell for thousands less than comparably made American cars.  Was this considered when the deal was reached? Who do these treaties really help- workers and American families or international corporations?

When you look around the World at cities in Dubai, Hong Kong, and others, you see lavish skyscrapers and ice skating rinks in the dessert all built with money that’s been outsourced from America to the rest of the World.  At the same time, we see American cities like Detroit in ruins with shuttered homes and factories.

TPP and other agreements don’t help Americans. They steal from us resources and good paying jobs that should remain in America.  Our unemployment here in the United States is a direct result of the poorly negotiated trade agreements our government has made with other countries at the expense of our way of life. And Americans aren’t the only victims of these FTAs.  France is seeing the adverse effects of their agreement with Korea. A French car maker has had to lay off workers because of increased car imports from Korea.

GM and Ford will be next.

France ‘regrets’ EU refusal to monitor South Korean car imports

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