Once again Kingwood Area Democrat Marc Croes gives Kingwood and the surrounding area food for thought. Marc Croes says,
On this 50th Anniversary of Texan Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty, one of the successes worth celebrating is the Head Start Program. The Head Start Program has proven to be one our most durable and successful Federal anti-poverty programs. It’s a simple concept: place disadvantaged preschool children into a structured program that would prepare the kids for school. Since Head Start was first conceived in 1964 over 25 million pre-school children have participated. Millions and millions of these children have received a measurable benefit. Our public schools have also benefitted, as they have to designate fewer resources to remedial education when the children who enroll are better prepared. Not only does Head Start help our kids, it helps keep our property taxes down!
Head Start has also had other successes. In its early days, Head Start funded an experimental educational television show we now know as Sesame Street. Now Head Start reaches out to children living in homeless shelters, often providing the only educational opportunity available to them.
The American economy is no longer dominated by manufacturing. Our economy is dominated by service industries, and technology. The key to technology is innovation. If America is to maintain its place as the world’s largest and most vibrant economy and technological leader, our education system we MUST provide a quality education to all our kids, not just the privileged ones.
See Marc Croes’ entire piece below.
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