Kingwood Area Democrats had a festive tabling at the Kingwood Mardi Gras celebration in Town Center. Several voters were registered and encouraged to engage in the upcoming and important 2014 elections.
I sat and had an interesting conversation with Cody Pogue. If you recall . Cody Pogue ran against Dan Huberty in district 127. He was also the first candidate to care enough about northeast Harris County to open a campaign office and making it available to many other candidates. Check out his blog at
Many are fearful that Kesha Rogers is gaining traction. She currently leads in the UT/TT poll. I heard of folks encouraging others to cast their vote for David Alameel instead of a vote for someone like Maxey Scherr they may be more attuned to. They fear that somehow Kesha Rogers will get to 50% and thus avoid a runoff.
Charles Kuffner wrote a great piece that everyone should read. Read the entire piece here. It should put many at ease. Charles Kuffner says,
So what conclusions can we draw from this? Mostly that we don’t have enough data to be able to evaluate the Trib’s ability to poll Democratic primaries. …
One more thing: What if they are right about Rogers leading? Well, as long as she doesn’t crack 50%, I’d suggest we all remain calm. For all its constraints and limitations, the state Democratic Party has managed to get the nominees it has wanted in the last three Senate primaries. …
I feel reasonably confident that if Rogers is in a runoff with anyone, everyone else in the party will fall as loudly and visibly as they can behind her opponent, whoever that winds up being. It’s already happening to a large degree – the TDP, the HCDP, and the Fort Bend Democratic Party have put out messages condemning Rogers and urging Democrats not to vote for her. I’d have preferred to see that happen earlier than this, and I’d much rather it not come to banding together to beat her in a runoff, but I’m not going to fall into a spiral of self-loathing over this one poll result. Do your part to help people make a good decision in this race, and be prepared to support someone other than Kesha in a runoff if it comes to that.
Those in the know are well aware Kesha Rogers is not a Democrat.
I have my own thoughts as to the results of the poll showing Kesha Rogers in the lead in the Democratic senatorial primary. I do not want to get into the specifics now. Suffice it to say that unless all candidates engage in all communities factors as simple as name dynamics can throw elections. When people are not engaged they fall back on simple metrics.
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