The Republican Governors Association that Governor Chris Christie chairs released this attack ad a few days ago. The ad was against South Carolina Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Vincent Sheheen.
With ominous music in the background, the ad ‘accuses’ Vincent Sheheen of supporting much of Obamacare. It then scolds him for refusing to support the lawsuit to stop Obamacare. The ad then says Vincent supports the Medicaid Expansion of Obamacare. The ad proceeds to demonize Obamacare with the fallacy that 2 million jobs could be lost.
Vincent Sheheen did not cower from the words in the ad. He came out swinging. He wrote a letter to Governor Chris Christie and released it to the public.
Vincent Sheheen noted that he wanted to do exactly what Governor Chris Christie had already done.
A governor’s job is to lead and act in the best interest of the people of their state. You rightly made that argument last year when you chose to expand Medicaid in New Jersey.
You said: “Accepting these federal resources will provide health insurance to tens of thousands of low-income New Jerseyans, help keep our hospitals financially healthy and actually save money for New Jersey taxpayers …[it] is the smart thing to do for our fiscal and public health …Refusing these federal dollars would not mean that they wouldn’t be spent. It just means that they will be used to expand health-care access in New York, Connecticut, Ohio or somewhere else …. It’s simple. We’re putting people first. …
You and I have the same position on this issue-keep our own federal tax dollars working for the people of our states.
Vincent Sheheen then posits a question to Governor Chris Christie for which he knows the answer.
The RGA ad claims that the choice to bring our tax dollars back in-state would hurt South Carolina. So, I ask you: How many jobs has New Jersey lost as a result of your decision to accept your Medicaid dollars? How many New Jersey businesses have been harmed by your choice to put your state’s tax dollars to work back at home? And how much has this expansion cost the taxpayers of New Jersey?
Vincent Sheheen continues his letter detailing fact based studies that show his position is correct for South Carolina. He then slams the hypocrisy of the politicians who are more driven by fact disregard and self-interest.
Politicians who support Obamacare must not cower or shy away from a program that saves lives and a family’s treasure. They must detail how it would impact their district. They must detail how it impacts those that have insurance, those getting insurance, and those still on the fence. They must engage the population one town hall at a time. In some areas they will have to tolerate the bullies. However, if America is to be made a better country, one should be willing to fight and endure. One hopes that Vincent Sheheen will continue pushing back. One hopes that others will follow his lead.
Following is the full text the letter Vincent Sheheen sent to Chris Christie.
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