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Radio: Move to Amend Reports w/Laura Bonham & Egberto Willies – Thurs 7:00 PM

Move to Amend Reports Egberto Willies Laura Bonham

Move To Amend Reports

Thursday 7:00 PM Central

Call and listen at 646-652-2345

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Move to Amend Reports

Hosted by National Leadership Team members Laura Bonham and Egberto Willies, will air every Thursday at 8:00 PM ET, 5:00 PM PT.

The show will feature guests who specialize in movement building, amending the Constitution, grassroots organizing, and issues relating to corporate rule and participatory democracy.

Each show provides opportunity for call-in questions and comments from the listening audience by dialing 646-652-2345 (long distance charges may apply).

Today’s Guests

Edgar Franks is the affiliate coordinator for Move to Amend’s Whatcom County chapter in Bellingham, WA. He serves as the Civic Engagement Program Coordinator at Community to Community Development, working to engage supporters and develop a strategy that ensures the needs of our community are represented. Community to Community works on issues of Food Sovereignty through the lens of Farm Workers, with the goal of creating a politically conscious intersectional base that is fighting to end Patriarchy, Settler Colonialism, and Capitalism through direct actions, policies, and strategic alliances with other popular peoples movements regionally, nationally, and globally. He is also a member of the Canopy Collective, committed to nourishing community power to heal our connections with our cultures, each other, and the earth. Edgar currently represents Community to Community on the National Planning Committee for the US Social Forum and on the Pacific Northwest Social Forum Outreach Work Group.

Edgar shared a video and some materials to read over:…

Monica Beemer served as Executive Director of Sisters Of The Road , a non-profit Cafe and community organization working in Portland, Oregon to end poverty and homelessness at their root causes. For the past 12 years, she has helped Sisters transition to a collective organizational structure and became a part of a growing collective movement. She currently serves as Station Co-Manager at KBOO Community Radio, 90.7 FM. Monica is also the co-chair, with Marian Baker Kramer, of the national Assembly to End Poverty, serves on the National Planning Committee of the US Social Forum and is on the board of the Western Regional Advocacy Project, working on the California and Oregon Homeless Bill’s of Rights. Monica is from both rural and urban Oregon and is passionate about community organizing and people’s movements to create deep and lasting change.

Monica sent us and excerpt from a textbook chapter she co-authored:

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