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Politics Done Right on KPFT – America can afford Medicare for all

Politics Done Right

This week’s show 
July 7th, 2014

America can afford Medicare for all

Last week while performing my engineering duties on KPFT’s Thinkwing Radio with Mike Honig, a rather disturbing call came from a caller. The caller was not a bad person. The caller was not ill willed. The caller simply bought into the tenet that the mythical free market can solve all of America and the world’s problems.

I do not mind folks having different ideological beliefs in most segments of our economy. In fact it may even be a great experiment to show what works effectively. Where these ideologies cause pain, financial distress, or deaths unnecessarily to our fellow human beings, to our fellow Americans, one should not leave it up to some unseen, unknown, or so far failed market. When the caller implied that morality had no role in the implementation of healthcare, I was left flabbergasted. He seemed to be of the belief that somehow there was some intrinsic benevolence to our mythical free market. There are grey areas in every debate. However there are areas where there are absolutes. Healthcare is one of the areas with absolutes. Those who want a complete mythical free market answer to healthcare have already been proven wrong. Americans need not have had to go through the past decades of wasteful medical spending and medical robbery. Simple arithmetic had the answer. There is only one solution that makes mathematical sense. It is Medicare for all. You can also find previous episodes on YouTube here.

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