Ebola panic, thy name be Rand Paul:
Rand Paul had a message for students at Plymouth State University who had gathered for a pizza party with the Kentucky senator on Thursday: Ebola is coming for us all and the government is hiding the truth about the deadly disease.
“This thing is incredibly contagious,” Paul said. “People are getting it, fully gowned, masked…
And it’s not just pizza party-goers that should worried—it’s cocktail party-goers too, and it’s all Obama’s fault:
“[The Obama administration] has downplayed how transmissible it is,” Paul said in an interview with CNN on Thursday morning. “They say it’s the exchange of bodily of fluids. Which makes people think, ‘Oh, it’s like AIDS. It’s very difficult to catch.’”
“If someone has Ebola at a cocktail party they’re contagious and you can catch it from them,” Paul continued. “[The administration] should be honest about that.”
True! You can catch it from them. Obama should be honest about that. Of course, given that some exchange of bodily fluids needs to take place to transmit Ebola, if somebody catches you in the act of catching Ebola from someone else at a cocktail party, you may need to find another place to attend cocktail parties. And yes, Obama should be honest about that too.
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But most of all, we should all drop everything else and completely freak out about Ebola, because even though every year between 3,000 and 49,000 times more people die of the flu in the U.S. than have died of Ebola in the U.S., ISIS could bring Ebola across the Mexican border (according to Paul’s Republican colleague Ron Johnson), which means that if we don’t have an Ebola panic, then ISIS wins.
And that, of course, is at the core of Obama’s secret plan (exclusively revealed by right-wing radio) to destroy the United States.