Poor Rudy Giuliani. He is looking for relevancy. Most importantly poor Americans. We are stuck with a media that gives us fodder instead of news. DailyKOS Laura Clawson’s piece is probative.
Rudy Giuliani: I wasn’t being racist because Obama’s mother was white
Former New York City mayor and 2008 presidential primary flop Rudy Giuliani is basking in all the attention he’s gotten since saying that “I do not believe that the president loves America” because “He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.” Basking, and offering ridiculous explanations of how totally not racist those statements were:
“Some people thought it was racist — I thought that was a joke, since he was brought up by a white mother, a white grandfather, went to white schools, and most of this he learned from white people,” Mr. Giuliani said in the interview. “This isn’t racism. This is socialism or possibly anti-colonialism.”
Rudy, Rudy, Rudy. If you’re going to claim you’re not being racist, you first have to start by using an actual dog whistle instead of whatever it was you used in the “loves America” comments, because maybe you thought that was a dog whistle, but people could totally hear it. Then, you have to do better than “but his mother was white.” It’s a funny thing, but turning to completely racially based logic is about the least convincing possible way to rebut charges of racism.