Why Are We So Darn Hard Up? by Bob Henderson Do you wonder why our national, state and city governments are so hard up, why, despite heavy borrowing, there’s never enough money to pay for better schools, healthcare for our poorest families, repairs our infrastructure so badly needs? Do you wonder why too many children, […]
Progressive Policies Are Pro Growth – History Proves Conservative Policies A Failure (VIDEO)
Sometimes it takes someone to retell us something most progressives know to reiterate a truth that continues to be bastardized by not only Right Wing media but implicitly by all mainstream media. David Goodfriend provides an excellent synopsis that illustrates through history the success of Progressive Policies providing real growth. Inasmuch as the evidence is […]
Using Ronald Reagan’s Own Words To Destroy A Tea Party GOP Representative On Debt Ceiling Debate
MSNBC Al Sharpton used the idol of the Tea Party Ronald Reagan’s own words against GOP Rep Mo Brooks. He was able to show the demagoguery of these immature Republicans that are risking the country’s economy on their ideology. One can only wonder if they really believe what they are talking about irrespective of it […]
Rupert Murdoch And Foxnews must Be Hit Hard Now With Vengeance For Being The Conduit To Destroy America
Now that the light is being turned on to the roach infested sewer that is the Rupert Murdoch organization News Corp, it is a must that no one lets up on this scourge. While the switch was turned on by News Corp’s News International, there seems to be many lights starting to light up in […]
President Obama Must Channel Eisenhower & Roosevelt
Eisenhower Quote Roosevelt Quotes “Not only our future economic soundness but the very soundness of our democratic institutions depends on the determination of our government to give employment to idle men.” “The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and a people strong […]
$14 trillion in debt — ever wonder how we got there? by Eric Byler | Coffee Party
Eric Byler, co-founder of the Coffee Party USA movement wrote a very prescient blog post on the budget deficit and debt ceiling dilemma we are currently going through. Unfortunately much of the information that is being promoted by the media is either misleading, lacking, or outright wrong. Many want to place the blame solely on […]
Citizens for Media Reform — an introduction by Tabitha Justice
Citizens for Media Reform — an introduction by Tabitha Justice Today I invite you to join me on a journey to deconstruct the often confusing and frustrating relationship between the political establishment and the media establishment in America. If we can understand the system, we can change it. We can take the best parts of […]
Coffee Party Action Alert: End the Debt Ceiling Hostage Crisis
Please send a message to Congress to demand an end to the Debt Ceiling Hostage Crisis, and help our country avoid an economic disaster. While potential solutions have been put on the table, all have been blocked by ideologues more loyal to Grover Norquist’s “no tax” pledge than to the economic well-being of our country. […]
Write to Congress re. Debt Ceiling Hostage Crisis
Don’t hold middle class hostage to interests of partisans and profiteers who cratered our economy The following letter was put together my several of us at the a civil activist group known as the Coffee Party. Dear Congress, As citizens we watch in utter despair as our Congress continues to gamble with our financial future […]
Richard Wolff: Capitalism Hits The Fan– One oF The Most Informative Pieces On Our Economic Dilemma
Professor Richard Wolff in his DVD Capitalism Hits The Fan is likely the best presentation of the financial crisis in a manner that the average American citizen can understand. As usual, it has not gotten near enough the exposure it is warranted. Many will oppose his exposé because he break the indoctrination of unfettered capitalism […]