Members of the Kingwood Area Democrats expressing the values that make them true Democrats. The Kingwood Area Democrats(KAD) were very active in the 2011 4th of July celebrations in Kingwood, TX. They participated in the parade at 10:00 AM and had two booths at Town Center’s July 4th Festival. The Kingwood Area Democrats was one […]
Bill Maher: Republican Base Must Not Criticize Casey Anthony Jury Given Their Own Gullibility (VIDEO)
It is sad when comedians provide better analysis than the mainstream media. Unfortunately that is the case. Bill Maher and Jon Stewart in their own funny way tend to get to the hypocrisy of both political parties analogizing them with simple events in a very entertaining manner. In this case, Bill is able to put […]
Republicans Speeding Off a Cliff? by Bob Henderson Chair Of Kay County, OK Democrats
Republicans Speeding Off a Cliff? by Bob Henderson Chair, Kay County , OK, Democrats In the 1950s film “Rebel Without a Cause,” two teen-age drivers play a game of chicken. They drive speeding cars toward a cliff, and the driver who jumps out first is chicken. The plan is for both cars to hurl over […]
Educate Folks On oUr Muslim Brethren- Hate Has No Place In America (VIDEO)
Americans in general are a good and trusting people. Have you ever noticed that for the most part whenever you engage in one on one conversation with anyone irrespective of religion, ethnicity, race, creed, or other that it is generally pleasant? Even if you get into the complexities of religion and politics a certain amount […]
Educate Folks On oUr Muslim Brethren- Hate Has No Place In America (VIDEO)
Americans in general are a good and trusting people. Have you ever noticed that for the most part whenever you engage in one on one conversation with anyone irrespective of religion, ethnicity, race, creed, or other that it is generally pleasant? Even if you get into the complexities of religion and politics a certain amount […]
Robert Reich – Invest in America
Robert Reich details what improved the quality of life, public investment. That those who believe in limited government cannot see that is disconcerting. One can only consider it selfish if a minute segment of society’s wealth is growing exponentially as the majority of the society’s wealth and income stagnate or decline.When Americans realize what the […]
Why Is America Confused? Jon Stewart, a Comedian, Show Mainstream News Inept Analysis
Sometimes I wonder how Americans can be so willfully uninformed. Then a comedian like Jon Stewart takes a snippet of news and in one simple comedic analysis of the real analysis of an event, it becomes completely evident why. Many of us Liberals and Progressives like to blame mostly the Right Wing Echo Chamber of […]
Cartoon about global economic chaos and the debt ceiling Even The Tea Party Can Understand(VIDEO)
Sometimes cartoon characters do the best job in expressing the stupidity of a particular position and/or ideology. Maybe this should be shared at Right Wing and Tea Party sites since it brings the non-sensical into a manner even a child could understand. At first I simply laughed with great exasperation. But after thinking a bit […]
Realizing American Ideals by Bob Henderson (Chair, Kay County, OK Democrats)
Realizing American Ideals by Bob Henderson Chair, Kay County, OK Democrats I have been trying, for several months now, to make the case for progressive governmental policies by presenting what I believe are factual arguments. However, research shows most people base their votes on emotions, not facts. I am committed to human equality. My commitment […]
Publicly Funded Elections by Bob Henderson (Chair, Kay County, OK, Democrats)
Publicly Funded Elections by Bob Henderson Chair, Kay County, OK, Democrats When President Obama took office, after he stabilized the economy, averted a depression, and turned huge job losses into job gains, the next crisis he tackled was healthcare. He chose it because its rising costs threatened every segment of our economy: middle-class families, corporations, […]