The Facts Social Security belongs to you—the workers who contribute to it—not the politicians in Washington. Social Security will never go bankrupt. Its major source of income comes from the contributions of workers and employers; as long as there are workers, Social Security will have income. Closing tax loopholes for wealthy individuals will increase the […]
What is Wrong With The Economy And How To Solve It In Two Minutes (VIDEO)
Robert Reich provides the best explanation of what ails our economy in simple terms in about 2 minutes. It would be great if Americans would fact check Reich’s information presented as well as information provided by the Right Wing Echo Chamber objectively. If Americans would simply allow themselves to think and not allow the GOP […]
Trickle Down Has Failed The Middle Class Get The Facts! (VIDEO)
I ultimately have faith in the American people. What is important is that Americans get the real information. Unfortunately all our media networks are controlled by or dependent on major corporations. The reality that major corporation are ultimately the funding sources for the mass media means these will either take a pro corporate stance irrespective […]
Party Politics: How Conservatism Lost Touch with Reality – TIME
While I mostly agree with Fareed, his tenet that the the Conservatives of the past were somehow better at creating a better economy is nuts. I do not know when Americans will understand that growth maximization at the expense of social well being in not good policy. Humanity matters. Read more:,8599,2077943,00.html#ixzz1PpiiKEAq How Today’s Conservatism […]
Netroots Nation Keynote Address By Minnesota Rep Keith Allison #NN11
Minnesota Democratic Representative Keith Ellison gave a great keynote speech. He made a very important point to the Netroots that I hope resonated in the room and I hope it will resonate throughout the country. The “Yes We Can Movement” did not start with President Obama. It was in effect from the instantiation of Governor […]
Mom taking control, as usual
Thanks for the article from Jermaine Haynes My mom always feels like she has to do everything for me, which is very sweet but can often be really overbearing. This has always been the case, ever since I was little. While it was very helpful when I was younger, it is starting to cause issues […]
Democratic Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz At Netroots Nation 2011
We had the honor of having the Chairwoman of the Democratic Party Debbi Wasserman Schultz during our lunch session at Netroots Nation 2011. She came with a very spirited disposition and chaired up the crowd. Contrary to what was reported by the Huffington Post which was a complete distortion of the truth, the Netroots Nation […]
DailyKos Interviewing Dan Pfeiffer Live Blogging (president’s Press Secretary)
President Press Secretary Dan Pfeiffer is being interviewed by DailyKos now. He gave a short speech referencing a Huffington Post article stating he will be in the Lions Den. He got laughter. When asked about a jobs bill he said there are many jobs to create bills. In describing DADT DailyKos confronted Dan Pfeiffer on […]
Dear America: The People Must Lead by Annabel Park
Dear America, This is not the time to feel demoralized and give up. It is tough out there, but we’re not alone. We are in this together even though many fail to see it. Hatred, selfishness, and division must not replace good will, sense of humanity, and innovation as the defining attributes of this nation. […]
Scrubs, Scrubs, Scrubs Really!
As I sit here at the airport, I am amazed that so many people travel in an attire that would not obviously be considered scrubs. They are well designed and almost look like casual attire one would dress in. Having seen some of my daughters friends who almost entirely rely on scrubs for their daily […]