Congressional Gridlock Hurts All by Diane Trautman Kingwood Observer 2011-06-15 Diane Trautman is a retired Professor of Education from Stephen F. Austin State University and Sam Houston State University. She is resident of Kingwood and Atascocita for over 27 years. Diane Continues to present her articles in a completely honest, non-partisan, and patriotic manner. She […]
Crooked Politicians, Businessmen, & Bankers Pilfer Town Causing Massive Layoffs and Tax Hikes–Unfettered Capitalism In Action
We continuously hear Right Wing Conservatives continue to attack banking regulations. We continuously hear Right Wing Conservative Republicans talk about the market taking care of itself. We continuously hear Republicans defend bankers at all cost. The fact is that bankers creation of unregulated financial instruments are directly the cause of our near fatal crash. To […]
Could European Outbreak Happen In the U.S.
If we don’t believe having a safe food supply matters, just look to Germany – 31 people dead, 3,100 more infected, and millions of dollars in destroyed crops, all apparently due to a deadly new strain of E. coli bacteria. While this particular strain hasn’t been seen here yet, similarly dangerous bacteria have, and we […]
Taxes, Jobs & Self-Deception by Bob Henderson, Chairman Of The Kay County Oklahoma Democrats
Taxes, Jobs & Self-Deception by Bob Henderson A week ago last Friday, the job-creation numbers for the previous month came out and were disappointing. Unemployment ticked up to 9.1 percent. By 10 a.m. that morning, House Speaker John Boehner was in front of television cameras blaming President Obama’s “tax, spend and borrow” economic policies. That […]
BREAKING: Judge Ware leaves Walker’s Prop 8 ruling in place
Just now, Judge Ware denied our opponents’ motion to vacate Judge Walker’s historic ruling striking down Prop. 8. The proponents of Prop. 8 stood up in court yesterday and said Judge Ware should knock out the ruling just because Judge Walker is gay, that essentially he ran a "kangaroo court." Check out the ads funded […]
Governor Rick Perry For President. Now He Wants Failed Texas Middle Class Policies For The Nation
Governor Rick Perry For President. Now He Wants Failed Texas Middle Class Policies For The Nation For months I have been telling many that Texas Governor Perry sticking to his guns on slashing the Texas budget was simply due to him running for President of the United States. Many thought it did not make any […]
Republican Solution To Budget: Stop Paying for Health Care
Republican Solution To Budget: Stop Paying for Health Care State Representative Garnet F Coleman is the epitome of policy. He takes healthcare reform, an issue many consider very difficult and expresses it in a manner the average American citizen can understand. I am sure many in the mainstream media are just as competent. It is […]
Sometimes It Just Takes A Good Cleaner
You must visit if you simply need a good cleaning. Remember. Stick with the experts. Irrespective of what you believe of your cleaning knowledge, your cleaning prowess, your cleaning mastery, or your cleaning acumen, again, leave it to the experts. I am telling you this from experience. They will know what is the best […]
The hard truth about health care – The Washington Post
The hard truth about health care Ezra Klein has done it again. He has implicitly led to a conclusion we all know is the eventual must of our healthcare system with his factual explanation of our healthcare dilemma by the numbers, by the policy, and by inference from countries that are more successful in their […]
What Can America Learn From Germany To Maintain America’s Middle Class (Must See Video)
What Can America Learn From Germany To Maintain America’s Middle Class We endure the lies about Europe from FoxNews and the Right constantly. We are told the verifiable lie that universal healthcare in countries like Canada, France, and Germany is substandard to ours. We are told that our form of capitalism that continuously presents itself […]