I had an argument with an Obama ex-supporter who said he could not support Obama because he did not fulfill all his promises specifically the ones he was most interested in. I explained to him that while many pasted their values on Obama expecting him to be some savior based on his oratory, I voted […]
Historic Texas Budget Crisis Was Created By GOP & Governor Rick Perry
Historic Texas Budget Crisis Was Created By GOP & Governor Rick Perry For many decades Texas had a tax structure that provided adequate revenue to fund public education and balance the state budget. Occasionally the tax structure produced a surplus. Prior Democratic administrations wisely converted the surpluses into savings and created the Texas Rainey Day […]
NO TO MIDDLE CLASS PROGRAM CUTS–CORPORATIONS & WEALTHY 30 YEAR PILFERING OF MIDDLE CLASS MUST END NOW Divide and conquer is effective. The Right Wing echo chamber has been successful in bating the middle class that is barely surviving into believing that the reason for their pain are free loading poor folks.In the process they […]
Hypocrisy Alert: Anti-spending GOP members award bonuses
Anti-spending GOP members award bonuses Some Houston-area lawmakers dole out cash to staff while urging fiscal restraint By STEWART M. POWELL HOUSTON CHRONICLE June 6, 2011, 9:23AM WASHINGTON — Six anti-spending House Republicans from the Greater Houston area handed their congressional staffs generous bonuses – some exceeding $4,000 – at the end of 2010 […]
Sarah Palin and profit-motive politics – War Room – Salon.com
Sarah Palin and profit-motive politics The logic — and risks — of faking a presidential campaign to build brand value Sunday, Jun 5, 2011 11:01 ET By Alyssa Battistoni Since kicking off her "One Nation" bus tour, Sarah Palin has insisted that she’s just on a road trip to see iconic places in American […]
In Defense Of Anthony Weiner Though He Must Resign
In Defense Of Anthony Weiner Though He Must Resign First of all the fact that the Internet is being used by otherwise intelligent people including congress people, teachers, lawyers, and other professionals for legal yet embarrassing activities shows the poor state of our educational system in the digital world. Many Americans participate in behaviors that […]
Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs
It is graduation time for many. If you have a kid in pre-med however, it is just the beginning of the beginning. It is the beginning of a family spending tons of monies for hopefully a good outcome for ones child (being a doctor). In that light what kind of gift should I be gifting […]
Our Fantasy Nation? – NYTimes.com
Our Fantasy Nation? By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF Published: June 4, 2011 With Tea Party conservatives and many Republicans balking at raising the debt ceiling, let me offer them an example of a nation that lives up to their ideals. It has among the lowest tax burdens of any major country: fewer than 2 percent […]
The Crisis of Credit by Jonathan Jarvis–Best And Most Simple Description of The Genesis of Our Financial Meltdown (VIDEO)
What is so sad about the financial crisis is that many bankers, brokers, and other financial professionals made billions for doing absolutely nothing more than filling out papers. They did not produce any products or real services of societal value. There is a problem in a country that rewards those who simply move money around […]
Ayn Rand & GOP vs Jesus
This is a very telling ad. This is what happens when you have a whole lot of folks adapting multiple ideologies without knowing their genesis. In the process they attempt to form a coalition under the premise of shared values without realizing that they are diametrically opposed. While today’s Democrats are a combination of folks […]