Back Toward Double Dip Friday, June 3, 2011 The May jobs report is a disaster — the weakest reading since September. Non-farm payrolls grew only 54,000 last month, according to the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. Private employment rose only 83,000 — the smallest growth since last June. Government payrolls dropped 29,000. The […]
John Young Column: Living in a tea party fantasy
Living in a tea party fantasy Thursday, June 2, 2011 So, the space race took off, and the United States stayed behind. John Kennedy had great ambitions for it and for us, but as 50-year-old tapes now reveal, he was concerned that budget hardliners would shoot it down. And so they […]
The People’s Budget–A Serious Fair Budget That Gets Little Coverage – Corporate Media Is A Danger to The Middle Class
It is sad that there is a budget that out there that is much better than the President’s budget and Republican Paul Ryan’s budget. The budget is humane and it does not use smoke and mirrors or ideology to pay balance the budget. The budget is not only a policy panacea but will change the […]
Democracy as a collaboration, not a fight | Coffee Party | by Annabel Park
Democracy as a collaboration, not a fight Wed, 05/18/2011 – 4:51pm by Annabel Park Members of Congress, trapped in a political process corrupted by money, simply cannot take the bold and audacious steps needed to reform our broken government. < Knowing this, we cannot afford to just wait to see what happens. It’s time […]
Breaking news – Holy smokes! We can win in Wisconsin!
Dear MoveOn member, Breaking news—we’ve now got a chance to beat six Wisconsin Republicans facing recall elections after helping force through infamous legislation taking away bargaining rights from teachers and other public workers. If we win, that would end Gov. Scott Walker’s right-wing crusade. This election is a huge opportunity to turn the tide against […]
NATHAN BOOTZ: Make my school a prison, and we’ll get more funding –
My dear Elementary/High School friend Amelia Hartley-woodruff emailed me this one. Interesting enough it applies right here in Texas and I am sure throughout the country. While it seems our priorities are displaced, make no mistake, this is not at all an accident. In a world now governed by “Free Markets”, outsourcing, and supply side […]
Devastating 82nd Texas Legislature Regular Session Comes to an End–The Implicit Pilfering of The Middle Class
Devastating 82nd Regular Session Comes to an End The 82nd Regular Legislative Session came to an end yesterday. This was easily the most devastating session of which I’ve been a part. The Republican supermajority passed a budget and several policies that betray Texans. Instead of improving public schools, Republicans wasted time on legislation meant to […]
FreedomWorks Does Not Get It. Middle Class Is About To Revolt.
FreedomWorks simply does not get it. They actually believe that the American middle class will continue its path to self-destruction by maintaining a path of indentured servitude to the top two percent of the population. They continue to push the country to the right, a direction that is nothing more than a wealth transfer vector […]
Barack Obama Finds Solid Ground, High Approval Ratings, White House Confident About Reelection
President Obama and for that matter most democrats running can only lose if they defeat themselves. Paul Ryan in his budget has codified the Republican philosophy. It is obscene that while we are asking austerity of the middle class that we increase said pain by further given tax breaks to the top two percent. It […]
No Job? Why? Not Made In America
Joe Smith started the day early having set his alarm clock (MADE IN JAPAN) for 6 a.m. While his coffeepot (MADE IN CHINA) was perking, he shaved with his electric razor (MADE IN HONG KONG). He put on a dress shirt (MADE IN SRI LANKA), designer jeans (MADE IN SINGAPORE) and tennis shoes (MADE IN […]